Our Energy

Pacific Coast Power is an all-inclusive
solar solutions energy company

Solar Investment

We invest in solar
so you don't have to

At Pacific Coast Power, we’re passionate about harnessing the power of solar energy for a brighter future. By investing in your property’s solar energy systems, you can unlock a multitude of benefits that will boost your property’s value and provide significant advantages for you and your tenants. Say goodbye to skyrocketing utility rates as our solar solutions relieve your tenants from the burden of rate hikes. Plus, we go the extra mile by sharing the monetized tax incentives that are typically unavailable to property owners, creating profit-sharing opportunities for you.

Our specialists are dedicated to designing and engineering the most efficient solar plans, ensuring optimal performance and savings. We handle everything from construction and installation to ongoing operations and management, allowing you to focus on what you do best. If you’re building or own property in California, our expertise in navigating the evolving Title 24 requirements can save you time and money.

Let us take care of your solar expenses while you reap the rewards of sustainable, cost-effective energy. 

Design & Engineering

Incorporating solar design into your building plans before construction can
significantly boost efficiency and optimize the utilization of space

Designing solar systems before building construction is absolutely essential for unlocking a range of benefits and maximizing the value of your investment. By incorporating solar design from the beginning, you can significantly boost energy efficiency, enhance the aesthetic appeal of your building, and seamlessly integrate solar panels into its design. This not only saves you money on energy costs in the long run but also positions your building as a sustainable and environmentally conscious choice.

Solar Construction

We ensure the highest quality construction
through our network of trusted partners

Selecting the perfect team to handle your solar construction project is a crucial aspect of ensuring a rewarding solar journey. Our primary aim is to provide you with the utmost energy efficiency while preventing unnecessary expenses. We utilize top-tier products to construct solar energy systems that are both efficient and aesthetically pleasing. In addition to solar panels, we also specialize in installing other solar assets such as EV chargers, batteries, and car ports. Our commitment to excellence is unwavering, and we back our work with a satisfaction guarantee.

Operations & Management

Rest assured, all our systems undergo proactive monitoring &
maintenance, eliminating any concerns about your system's efficiency

Efficiently managing and maintaining solar systems is crucial for their optimal performance and is an often overlooked expense when investing in solar. We proactively monitor energy production, inspect panels, generate reports, bill tenants, make necessary adjustments, and promptly address any issues that may arise. By ensuring smooth operations, we provide peace of mind and maximize the benefits of solar investments for our clients.

EV Chargers

Prepare yourself for the upcoming era of EV charging.
Don't miss out on the profit opportunities it brings

The importance of EV charging infrastructure cannot be overstated in today’s rapidly evolving transportation landscape, in some cities it is no longer an amenity but a requirement. As more and more individuals embrace electric vehicles (EVs) as an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative, a robust charging infrastructure becomes essential. It enables EV owners to conveniently charge their vehicles at various locations, including homes, workplaces, and public spaces. By expanding the availability of charging stations, we encourage the adoption of EVs, reduce range anxiety, and promote sustainable transportation options. In addition to assisting you with all your EV charging requirements, we also offer a profit sharing model, providing a mutually beneficial arrangement that aligns with your financial goals.

Energy Storage

Solar storage empowers efficient energy usage,
and we are here to provide the solutions you need.

Solar energy storage in batteries plays a vital role in harnessing the full potential of renewable energy sources, particularly in California. As the state continues its commitment to clean energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the integration of battery storage systems with solar power becomes increasingly important and a requirement in some instances. These batteries store excess energy generated by solar panels during the day, allowing it to be used during periods of high demand or when the sun is not shining, taking reliability off the public grid. In California, there are specific requirements that aim to enhance grid reliability, increase renewable energy utilization, and facilitate a smoother transition towards a more sustainable and resilient energy future. By effectively storing solar energy in batteries, California can further optimize its renewable energy resources and pave the way for a cleaner and greener energy landscape.